Link: Dawson checks the Hell out of their premises

My link this time is an entry from Dawson Bethrick, writer of the excellent blog Incinerating Presuppositionalism. His blog is particularly relevant to this one because he defeats presuppositionalist Christians and exposes the fundamental problems with their worldview. In his otherwise routine entry “Responding to Chris”, answering to yet another annoying presuppositionalist who thinks he found the answer to everything, he makes some excellent points about the relation between the universe and meaning, and why a question like “why does the universe exist” contradict itself. This really touches to the fundamentals of the materialist worldview in a way I have rarely seen.

3 thoughts on “Link: Dawson checks the Hell out of their premises

  1. aaronkinney September 5, 2006 at 19:02

    Oh yea. That is one of Dawson’s best posts (and thats saying quite a lot)!

    My only problem with Dawson is that he only posts like once a month. His writing is too damn delicious to be so sparingly disseminated.

  2. Francois Tremblay September 5, 2006 at 19:07

    Well, his entries are very extensive, so I can understand…

  3. aaronkinney September 6, 2006 at 16:39

    I understand as well. I guess I was just in the mood to give a backhanded compliment ;)

    “Damn you for being so good!!!!!” LOL

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