Yea, I’m declared a commie, AGAIN.

I knew I shouldn’t talk about my personal life on this blog. The second I did that, the vermin started to use that information against me.

People like that have no respect for other people’s lives. But what do you expect from capitalists? When you support exploitation, how can you see anything wrong with exploiting other people’s trust, right?

For the sake of clarification for the non-retarded people, I will point out that I am a mutualist, therefore a socialist, not a communist. Socialists believe that the means of production should be owned collectively by the workers, communists believe that the means of production should be owned by the community or society. There are also other differences: for instance, communists believe in the elimination of money, while mutualists do not (they do, however, have major objections in the way it is produced and distributed). Communists tend to believe in use/occupancy rights for everything, while mutualists generally only apply it to the means of production and land.

And, once again for the sake of clarification, I am not a frustrated worker. I think my job is fine. I think a lot of what I produce is stolen by the owners, just as it is for any other job in the capitalist system. That doesn’t mean that I think I should be rich or that I think I have special talents that are being repressed or any such imbecilic assumption. Declaring that the capitalist system is rotten (a pretty straightforward conclusion for anyone who is not retarded or a class traitor and does not have a vested interest) does not make me frustrated, despite the best attempt to portray me as such, any more than being an atheist means that I am frustrated at Catholic priests.

There is a phenomenon that I have encountered before, while we were doing the first run of our Hellbound Alleee Show, and that’s the angry ex-fan. When you start changing a position that a fan really supports, they become aggressively hostile to you. Because they invested some of their emotional support on you, they will turn on you with a level of anger and frustration that seems incommensurate.

The ancaps who have been following my blog (all two or three of them) probably feel the same way. No doubt they feel like I’ve let them down. I really can’t believe I ever followed that retarded ideology and its stupid Austrian economic dogma. It’s crazy how accepting one part of something can railroad you into accepting everything else. Fortunately, I have joined the ranks of the sane Anarchists and cast aside these cruel, destructive ideas.

7 thoughts on “Yea, I’m declared a commie, AGAIN.

  1. Julio June 3, 2009 at 09:25

    I’m still with you Franc, and i know your not a commie! lol

    I read your blog daily and your position has always seemed clear to me. And I for one have enjoyed the evolution of your perspective and writing.

    Some people get hostile with changes in the weather;-) They are just looking for a reason to be offended.

    Julio<—-not hostile

  2. Brainpolice June 3, 2009 at 12:50

    Back to Russia, commie! :)

  3. David Gendron June 4, 2009 at 16:29

    I agree with Julio! :)

  4. […] Yea, I’m Declared a Commie Again by Francois Tremblay […]

  5. Kent McManigal June 12, 2009 at 23:19

    I don’t agree with socialism in any way, IF it is forced on someone. Not my cup of tea, but I’m smart enough to not throw out the baby with the bathwater. I’m still a fan.

  6. anon June 28, 2009 at 12:53

    “the capitalist system is rotten”

    What word do you use to describe ‘the voluntary exchange of goods and services’?

    If I gather the resources to create a woodshop, is it “rotten” for me to hire my neighbor to work in my woodshop? Should he automatically own half my tools, building and land just because we voluntarily agreed to exchange his services (labor) for my goods (money)?

  7. Francois Tremblay June 28, 2009 at 14:13

    “What word do you use to describe ‘the voluntary exchange of goods and services’?”

    Depends. That could describe pretty much any system.

    “If I gather the resources to create a woodshop, is it “rotten” for me to hire my neighbor to work in my woodshop?”


    “Should he automatically own half my tools, building and land just because we voluntarily agreed to exchange his services (labor) for my goods (money)?”

    Once again, muddled question. If you mean a capitalist work contract, then yes.

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