Grocery store frauds and deceptions…

One would not suspect a grocery store, of all the temples to consumption, to harbour so much fraud and deception, and yet they do. It’s really quite astonishing what they get away with. Did you know the so-called “card prices” are outright fraud?

If you are among the masses of “less profitable” customers, (and bear in mind, that is more than 2/3 of us), product selection at card stores will diminish. This strategy has the obvious potential to adversely affect poor and minority populations, making fewer of the foods they purchase available to them.

Do you know all the nonsense they use to get you to buy more? I work in a grocery store and I hear people going around with full carts saying “I only came here to buy this and that…”, usually in joke. What they don’t realize is that this is done on purpose. They are wasting money that goes straight in the capitalist’s pockets.

Milk, bread, restrooms — all the essentials — are all in the back of the store, because they’re staples that everyone needs, and relatively low margin. Putting them there forces you to check out other merchandise along the way.

2 thoughts on “Grocery store frauds and deceptions…

  1. dfemmerich February 13, 2009 at 05:07

    Hi —

    I’m an anarcho-capitalist — just came across your blog and was wondering if you’d like to cross link with my blog:


    Don Emmerich

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