Search Results for: trans

And now we pressure them until they transition.

“Tomboyism is punished, however, when it appears to be the sign of extreme male identification (takings a boy’s name or refusing to wear girl clothing of any type) and when it threatens to extend beyond childhood and into adolescence. Teenage tomboyism presents a problem and tends to be subject to the most severe efforts to …

The connections between transgenderism and the power elite.

To get started there’s this video where they discuss the amount of funding the trans lobby has accrued in a very short time. And there’s this post by Miranda Yardley. He touches on the rich autogynephiles in positions of power in trans lobby organizations, and how these same organizations get millions of $$$ in bourgeois …

Analyzing the cultic nature of the transcult by analogy with Synanon

Whether it is deliberate or not Synanon’s “Game” can be seen at work both directly and indirectly in the more extreme elements of the transgender community. For those familiar with the trans community, they will know that the vast majority of trans identified people fall under the category of “fragile, emotionally vulnerable, and confused.” I …

trans racial exclusionary black people should die in a fire!

I just don’t… get it when TREBPs (trans racial exclusionary black people) harass me and refuse to acknowledge that I’m a real black person? It’s not my fault I was coercively assigned white at birth. We trans CAWABs face a lot of discrimination that people assigned black at birth just will never get. Don’t you …

Transgender advocates need to stop exploiting intersex people for their own rhetoric.

From Anti-Porn Feminists: Please, I’m begging you. Please. Listen to actual intersex people and voices before using our experiences which you know nothing about to prop up your morally bankrupt ideologies. I see that you’re only 18. Please examine what you are doing, how you are using me, using intersex experiences and voices as a …

Skippy the Skeptoid: Why This Whole Trans Thing is No Big Deal

Skippy the Skeptoid here again. Ever since Tremblay stopped writing his awful communist diatribes on this blog, he’s basically let me write my own stuff, which is great! I think this blog is a lot better now. That’s why I’ve decided to write to you again so soon. One of the things he was going …

The probable future of the transcult and its liberal “useful idiots.”

Realistically what will happen without anybody noticing or caring over the next, say, five years is that there will be more attacks/harassment against women in bathrooms, changing rooms, refuges etc. Women will start to be less visible and to disadvantage themselves by, for example, only going to the gym and swimming pool at extremely busy …

PEAKTRANS: Man Mansplains Radfeminism